The new speed limit of 100 kilometres per hour applies on some Dutch roads as early as Friday morning 13 March. Once the signs are visible, motorists must adhere to the new speed limit. Many new signs will be unveiled as early as the night of Thursday 12 to Friday 13 March, rijkswaterstaat announced on on Tuesday.
The cabinet previously announced that the speed reduction would take up on 16 March. But once the new signs are visible, motorists can already be ticketed if they do not adhere to the speed limit.
Since the end of last week, hundreds of employees of rijkswaterstaat have installed new signs and hectometer bollards. There are now covers, which will be removed from Thursday evening 12 March.
“The operation must be completed on Monday morning, March 16,” the spokeswoman said. “But the new speeds start when the sign is visible to motorists. In practice, this means that on some roads the new speeds will apply as early as Friday morning.”
100 or 130: how much time does it take and how much money do you save?100 or 130: how much time does it take and how much money do you save?
State water authority is currently on track
The spokesman could not say which routes are involved. “Placing more than 4,000 new signs within four days is a mega operation like we haven’t had before,” she explains. “When the 130 kilometre routes were introduced a few years ago, we were able to exchange the signs in a number of phases.”
The State Water Authority also cannot say how many of the more than 4,000 signs have already been placed. “But we’re on track,” she sums up. “If it continues like this, we’ll be ready monday morning, as expected.”
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The weather may still be able to throw a spanner in the works. “If it’s freezing or storming, we can run into problems. But we’re not going to assume that yet.”
The whole operation costs 19 million euros. The speed change is implemented to reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. By reducing emissions in traffic, construction will have more room to resume projects. The speed limit goes back anywhere to 100 kilometers per hour, except between 19:00 and 6:00. am
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