This page is dedicated to the course “How to design a Best Buy Market”. The Design the Best Market approach is is an approach that requires the most change in your organization. In some scenarios this change is needed.
The first scenario in which this approach is needed is when there is a strong marketleader that is in the way. In this case the poles that define the market, need to be reset. Designing the battlefield is needed if you want to win sales battles. Designing the competition is needed to exclude the competitor from the options to choose from in the mind of the prospect. It can be a revolutionary act in which the company is positioned as a rebel, as a lighthouse brand.
A second scenario in which this approach is usefull is when companies have come to a phase where the current value proposition is very similar to the competition. In this scenario it is required to find new uniqueness to be successful. A complete overhaul of the product is needed to add uniqueness.
A third scenario in which the approach is useful is the scenario when companies have startedn with a market entrée, and have found out that they can’t accept the status quo of the company. Starting a market entrée will reveal information that could not have been gathered up front. This information could reveal that the market has very different demands. There can be a strong local competitor. Or there is not enough uniqueness. At the same time is being a foreigner an advantage. Strange eyes can offer a fresh look at the current market setup. Positioning in this market can be a revolutionary act in which the company is positioned as a rebel, as a lighthouse brand.
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